Carolina Mountain Sports
123 West Broad St
Statesville, NC
(704) 871-1444
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January 16, 2025
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  Carolina Mountain Sports Fly Fishing
■ Lessons and Guided Trips

Carolina Mountain Sports offers beginners classes in Fly Fishing and occasionally schedules intermediate and saltwater classes. We routinely schedule Fly Tying Classes for beginners and advance tyers. We also are happy to conduct individual lessons in casting, line management and fly fishing. Just contact us for specifics. Many folks like some extra coaching to fine tune their skill or correct bad habits. Others are interested in learning the double-haul, speed cast and line management tips for saltwater trips.

Experience has shown that everyone benefits from casting lessons. Whether you are making short casts to trout on small streams, or longer casts to bass on rivers and lakes. A lot of folks benefit from some simple tips and pointers on roll casts and water hauls for trout streams. One of the major benefits of working on distance casting is a marked improvement in your "short game." Learning to increase distance will really tighten your loops and improve the accuracy and efficiency of short casts on small streams.

Richard is our casting instructor and he encourages everyone to take casting lessons to learn correct technique from the very beginning, or to correct bad habits and improve technique. Much of his training is drawn from classes he has taken from Lefty Kreh, Bob Clouser, Capt. Sarah Gardner, Capt. Brian Horsley, Mack Brown, Joe Humphreys and several others. Casting classes are scheduled on request, outside of normal store hours.

We also offer "On Stream " instruction. These On-Stream Clinics are great ways to become familiar with various methods and techniques and to help folks better understand "how to fish." These are intended for 1 angler, maybe 2. These are only offered on Sundays and Mondays. We can also book trips for you with various guides in western NC and Eastern Tenn., for either float trips or wade trips for trout, smallmouth bass and muskie. Take a look at our Slideshow for pictures from some of our trips. The guide services we utilize are excellent and we get very positive feedback from clients who have fished with Marty Shaffner and Jeff Payne of Tristateangler. Feel free to call and discuss the guided trips with Richard.

If you are interested in Saltwater trips, we'll be happy to recommend guides in NC and SC that we have personally fished with, or know from their excellent reputations. Just call or email.

Updated: July 17, 2021
Carolina Mountain Sports

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