Carolina Mountain Sports
123 West Broad St
Statesville, NC
(704) 871-1444
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January 16, 2025
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  Carolina Mountain Sports Fly Fishing Homepage
■Fly Fishing

Carolina Mountain Sports maintains a well-stocked fly fishing department for our waters in Western NC, as well as equipment for folks traveling to our western states,  or for a variety of saltwater trips.


Most of our rods are 3-6 weight, but we also carry some 7-12 weights, and some as light as delicate .5-2 wts.   Currently we are stocking rods by Sage, Winston, Temple Fork Outfitters and Redington.   The Winston Boron rods are very popular and get great reviews.    Sage is another very well known and popular  rod line and I'm stocking a few demo models.  I am very happy to special order any of the Winston or Sage rods.    Temple Fork is our best seller and a number of popular models are in stock.    The  TFO  Professional Series II rods are the best sellers and are popular price point.   The re-designed Clouser rods  are great performers, as is the Finesse series, which has a more moderate action.  I also stock some of the TFO Finesse Glass rods.   In addition, we can easily order the Winston and Royal Wulff Bamboo Rods.

Rod Selection Tips:  Customers are welcome to test cast our rods to better decide which rod suits their casting “style” and timing, and personal preference.  Rods behave differently when loaded with line.  And, it’s not unusual that a rod performs better when “uplined” (i.e. a line wt. heavier than the maker specifies.) This is true for many saltwater situations and when using short, light rods on small trout streams.   Rods are rated on their ability to “load”  when casting 30’ of line.  If you are routinely casting much shorter lengths on small streams….uplining may be a major benefit.  Most of today’s rod’s actually perform quite well.  But remember, a rod doesn’t necessarily make you a better caster… lessons and practicing the correct technique does.

Warranties are important for many customers.  As a general guide, most rods selling at $ 125 or more have excellent lifetime  warranties.  Specific wording varies with the manufacturer but, in our experience, most replace broken rods without question.  

Fly Reels for Fresh or Salt:    Our premium reels are Ross,  Lamson, Sage and Temple Fork.  We typically stock the Ross Cimarron II and the Lamson Liquid, Guru and Speedster    Temple Fork reels offer excellent value and service for fresh and saltwater models.  The Temple Fork BVK has been a popular model in all sizes.

Reel Selection Tips:  For most freshwater fishing, many fishermen feel the reel really doesn’t make much difference…nor does the quality of the reel’s drag.  A lot of customers are very happy with relatively polymer or   cast aluminum reels (and have allocated most of their funds toward rod and line where it really counts).  But, quite a few customers prefer a nicer, smoother reel with a better drag, and the durability of a milled and anodized reel.   In most cases, a more expensive reel ($125-300)  results in higher quality,  greater dependability…and a lifetime warranty.

Saltwater situations can demand a better reel, but it still doesn’t have to be really expensive for the occasional trip to the coast.  Many folks, that only fish the coast a few times each year, have been happy with a reel in the $65-125 price range.   However, you do want to make sure it has sufficient backing capacity. (100 yards for redfish, speckled trout etc. and 175-200 yard for bonefish, false albacore etc.)   Numbers stamped on reels and optimistic capacities listed on boxes can lead you to make a bad decision.  If headed for the coast, research thoroughly and seek the advice of a fly shop with saltwater experience and familiarity with actual backing capacities.   You can successfully “expand” a reel’s backing capacity by shifting from Dacron backing to one of the ultra-thin brands.  When rigged properly,  these super-thin backings have allowed sufficient yardage to be spooled,  thus increasing the usefulness of a reel that might otherwise be considered too “small” for saltwater use.      

Fly Lines:   Carolina Mountain Sports carries a wide variety of fly line brands and models from  Rio, Cortland, Scientific Anglers, Royal Wulff, and Teeny. All of these are excellent lines and each brand has some unique and special models that may suit your particular needs.  This is especially true if you are deep nymphing, throwing bass flies, fishing deep lakes or rivers, or pursuing saltwater species.  Line selection can be an overwhelming task at times and I’m happy to offer guidance in making a selection.


Updated  July 17, 2021
Carolina Mountain Sports

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