Carolina Mountain Sports
123 West Broad St
Statesville, NC
(704) 871-1444
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February 13, 2025
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  Carolina Mountain Sports Paddling
■ Kayaks


A few 2018 Vibe kayaks are left at reduced prices.   2019 Vibe models, and one or two other brands, should be in stock in early April. These have proven to be excellent kayaks at very competitive prices. If I don't have the particular Vibe you desire, there is a good chance that Paddleyax in Independence, VA will have it in stock. I can arrange for a delivery to Statesville, usually within 1-2 weeks.

If you have questions about purchasing, transporting, or outfitting your boat for paddling and fishing, I’m happy to share my experiences and those of my customers.  Just contact me by phone or email, or come by for a visit.


Selecting a Kayak

Many boats are excellent.  It’s important, however,  to thoroughly evaluate your intentions when purchasing a kayak.   Some research with manufacturers, knowledgeable sales clerks and kayaking books will be invaluable. 
 Many customers begin thinking a little too short, perhaps because of lower price or weight.  Generally speaking, the longer the hull the faster and more efficient the boat paddles.  You also gain storage area in longer hulls.  For example, a 12’ hull may be too short for lengthy paddles or overnight trips that require carrying camping equipment, food and water.  Short boats may be excellent for playing in coves or for exploring tight, small streams… but inefficient for trips of several hours or on large, open bodies of water.  Also, Sit On Tops are nice in warm weather and warm water but can be wet and cold in adverse weather.    Sit Ins are usually the more versatile boat.

Sit on Tops (SOTs) are very popular for fishing.  Due to slightly wider hulls and hull configurations, SOTs can be very stable in calm to moderate water.  Plus, they are easy to get on and off of…simply by swinging you legs over the side in shallow water.  This is a benefit for fishing shallow rivers and saltwater flats.  However, when fishing in deeper open water, the traditional style sea kayak will provide more seaworthiness and comfort.  This is especially true in steep seas and breaking waves when the “flatter” bottom of an  SOT can cause you to be flipped over.

It’s also important to try a boat on.  Actually sit in it, even in the store, and insure the seat and back rest are comfortable; that the foot pedals adjust to allow a comfortable knee bend; and that you can easily get in and out of the cockpit (more important for older paddlers).

Feel free to call, email or come by with kayak questions.

Updated: July 17, 2021
Carolina Mountain Sports

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